The Super Duper Serious WAR

The Super Duper Serious WAR update is coming! It is in a very early stage so there is no release date but it should be released around the end of October and the start of November. It may take a little longer though. I hope you enjoy the game in it's current state!

FunniRussianGuy likes nukes and is funny. He plays games a lot too, and is pretty chill. Unless you talk to him about nukes, as then he launches a nuke at America, even though the game takes place in America. His front door teleports you to Russia, where his house really is.
SeriousItalian is different in many ways from FunniRussianGuy, the most obvious is that he is more serious than FunniRussianGuy. Instead of playing games, he works out. Instead of being goofy with his military power and launches nukes all the time, he does careful thinking on when to launch attacks. 

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